Get To Know Bristol Women's Voice and Vote for Them in The May Charity Poll

Posted on 26 Apr 2022 by Amy Jackson

Who Are Bristol Women's Voice?

Bristol Women’s Voice is a grassroots charity working to make women’s equality in Bristol a reality. In addition to the charity’s campaigning work, which spans a diverse range of issues - from health and economic inequality to disability and women’s safety - Bristol Women’s Voice brings women together to celebrate their achievements, share ideas and to influence practice and policy change across the city. 

Logo of Bristol Womens Voice

What is Bristol Women’s Voice currently working on? 

Our key projects at present include delivering anti-sexual harassment training to workplaces and a campaign focused on making our city’s pavements more accessible for disabled people. We are also exploring how we can tackle some of the biggest challenges faced by economically disadvantaged women - including food and fuel poverty, exploitative employers and safety – which we will develop bespoke grassroots campaigns around.  

Why should I vote for Bristol Women’s Voice? 

As a small grassroots charity working to create meaningful change for all women in Bristol, we could not do what we do without the generous support we receive from donations and fundraising.  

Not only do donations enable us to develop campaigns to support women’s influence and voice in achieving strategic change, they also allow us to run workshops and events for women throughout the year - from yoga, art and menopause workshops to our flagship International Women’s Day event which we hold at Bristol City Hall every year. 

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