How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Posted on 21 Feb 2017 by Anna Scott
It’s easier said than done, but getting a good night’s sleep could be the answer to many of your problems and stresses. But how exactly can you achieve this seemingly impossible feat? How easy or hard this will be very much depends on your personal circumstances – for example, whether you have small children or have particular health issues – but there are some changes you can make to your routine and environment to increase your chances of getting some rest…



Change Your Bedroom Environment

This could take many different forms but whatever changes you decide to make, it’s worth keeping in mind what your bedroom should be for – sleeping in. This means a creating a relaxing environment free from other activities. So for example, if you bedroom doubles up as an office, it is possible to move that desk space to another part of your house or flat? And if you have a cross trainer sitting in the corner reminding you that you should be getting more exercise while you’re trying to sleep, shift it somewhere else. Getting the temperature right is also very important as there’s nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night sweating or shivering, and if you can afford a new set of thick curtains that keep out the light then this can be a huge help to restless sleepers.

Once your bedroom is now catering more to its correct function, the next task is to get the interior how you want it. Fed up of looking at that garish wallpaper you’ve been meaning to get rid of for months (maybe even years)? Now is the time because staring at it every single evening is not going to help you relax.

Ashley Little, Staff Writer and Sleep Researcher at Mattress Advisor, says: "Choose a calming, neutral paint colour for your walls as colours are known to have a psychological impact on our mood. Pick one that relaxes you. When it comes to decor, avoid crazy patterns or bright colours that could stimulate you.

"Next, re-arrange your bedroom so that your bed faces the door, but is not directly in line with the door. This is the best position to feel relaxed because you can see anything or anyone that may enter the room. You should also leave even amounts of space on both sides of the bed."


Relaxing bedroom


Make Your Bed Comfortable

It seems like the most obvious thing to change, but too many of us needlessly put up with an uncomfortable bed. Investing in a new mattress or bedding can be a gamechanger and one of the best treats you can give yourself, and if your budget doesn’t quite stretch to a new mattress right now, perhaps consider a mattress topper, something that could make a big difference. Luxury bedding retailer Soak and Sleep promo codes have a number of offers available right now, including £15 off a £75 spend, if you fancy upping your tog rating or improving the quality of your sheets.

Additionally, Amy Kilvington and interior specialist Nicola Croughan from Blinds Direct add that 'first and foremost, you should purchase a high quality blackout blind or curtains that will block out all light and provide plenty of privacy. We recommend that you also invest in as good a quality mattress as you can afford, along with clean, comfortable, breathable bedding. This includes a solid protective mattress cover. These are the basics for a space that promotes a restful night’s sleep.


Comfortable bed


Set a Bedtime Routine

An ever-changing bedtime does not make for a restful sleep so if at all possible, pick a time and stick to it and perhaps add some sort of relaxing activity into the mix. Give yourself half an hour’s reading time to wind down, do some stretching exercises before you get into bed, listening to some relaxing music or a podcast, or write a to do list for the following day so your brain isn’t worrying so much about the tasks ahead.


Bedtime reading


Food and Drink

One of the easiest things you can do is make sure you’re not consuming anything that will keep you awake well into the small hours. Obviously caffeine is a no-no, but also alcohol, which may initially make you feel sleepy, but can actually lead to a very disruptive sleep. And drinking large amounts of any liquid before you get into bed isn’t advisable if you don’t like getting up to go to the toilet every couple of hours. Holistic Sleep Specialist Amanda Bude states that 'eating foods containing triptophan (sleep inducing) can help you relax and get a good sleep. Examples of these are cherries and peanut butter on toast.'


Morning coffee by bed

Utilise technology

Keeping track of your sleeping patterns with wearable technology can also help you to identify if you're getting a good quality of sleep and give you an insight into what you should do to improve it. Andrew Mind, PR Manager at HEALBE, says: "HEALBE GoBe2 provides a thorough sleep analysis by measuring heart rate and motion behavior throughout the night. GoBe provides a full data report of your sleep phases, as well as the duration of each. Within the app, you’ll see a timescale with your REM and non-REM sleep cycles mapped out.

"Most sleep trackers on the market today only measure movement to determine your quality of sleep. By measuring your body’s physiology, HEALBE GoBe provides the most accurate sleep tracking device on the market."

Some of these changes aren’t always possible, but even making a small alteration to your environment or routine can have a huge impact. And anyone who has a small baby to look after, please ignore all this advice (apart from perhaps treating yourself to some new bedding because you deserve it), but feel free to come back in a couple of years…


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